On Halloween, children and even adults quiver in fear at the thought of ghosts, goblins, monsters, and killer ninjas. It's a night of fright, however irrational, and people love it because of the thrill of adrenaline that accompanies a spooky surprise.
I pose the question, what about real evil? Not the things that go bump in the night, not the little brothers in Freddy masks, but the real, tangible evil that pulses in the hearts of serial killers. They are the real monsters, and they surpass time and culture, simply living everywhere and in every era.
From H.H. Holmes to Albert Fish, Jack the Ripper to Bundy, they are men (though women are among the number) who violently, sadistically and tortuously end the lives of their fellow human beings. They are around 365 days of the year, and many are still unknown to us. Because of their estimated number, is in fact statistically possible that you, yes you, have come into contact or crossed paths with a serial killer once in your life. They may even have looked at you as a potential victim, eventually switching their attention to some unlucky stranger while you go free and unaffected. That doesn't mean you weren't there, and it doesn't mean you weren't in the presence of evil. Not the image, the mirage of dark things presented to us on Old Hallows Eve, but the real, true-blue evil that runs in the blood of those who take life after life with little or no remorse.
This is the world we live in and what we have to contend with. Why do we create evil, an entire day dedicated to evil, when evil is all around us already? This Halloween, instead of switching on a scary movie with some Freddy or Jason villain, try a serial killer documentary. I guarantee you'll sleep with the lights on, and isn't that what today is all about?
This is all so intresting. I absolutely love halloween. I love blood and guts horror films(which are hilarious to me) and I love to bring fear into people's souls. It amuses me much. I wouldn't dare take their lives unless I have no choice and/or control. But I would never ever ever kill an animal unless it is an insect or an arachnid. Tigers and wolves are my companions. We don't have leaders to control us. We get told what to do sometimes but if we don't like it, we change it. You should write more on what more you know. If you know more of this evil talk, share with me. I am not evil. I'm a good witch is what you call.(Or do you refer us as wiccans?) I couldn't touch another soul without their consult unless they are evil. So do me a favor and warn your mortals to be good boys and girls and that black magic is no good here.