But now on to crime things.
What makes a person murder? Gives them their MO and takes them into the dark place that leads to the spilling of blood? Some say brain chemicals, other say an abusive upbringing, and still others assert that it has to do with plain, untainted evil. The truth is, we're all capable of murder. It's inside all of us. The killers and serial murderers simply have a hard time controlling themselves. Ted Bundy had a normal upbringing. He had loving parents, went to college and graduated, and then started killing people. In his last interview before his execution, he told Dr. James Dobson that violent, sadistic pornography was the reason for his sick lusts. He was not raised to be a killer. Albert Fish preceded Bundy by decades. He practiced cannibalism and even sent letters to his victim's families, telling them how their loved ones suffered before they died. He could be explained as pure evil. His nature, his entire life, tainted by darkness through and through. We just don't know why people do what they do.
I can write as many manuscripts on crime that I want, but it's only my interpretation and could b e far from the truth. The truth is beyond me, but I'm searching for it. Why do people hurt their fellow man? How can one person so viciously and torturously take the life of another human being?
Off to discover.
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