Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well, I haven't written anything new since break ended, because I caught strep and it knocked the wind out of me for three days. Thank God for Penicillin! The little bugger to the right can be fatal, but lucky for me (not so lucky for Jim Henson) I just got the common variety. I'd forgotten how utterly painful it is! So glad it's over. Now I can go back to studying and trying to be productive. Not going to lie, when my fever went down, I enjoyed just watching Invader Zim and eating Red, White and Blue Popsicles!
The semester is finally almost over, and I've never been so glad to see one go. I think the feeling is all around campus, because morale is so low. I'd like to blame it on the nude women walkers downtown, but the truth is, it's just hierarchy and the same old upper echelon bull that plagues most colleges. Well, that's all for now. No Bellamy updates for now!

Friday, April 23, 2010


It's been hard to be in Daniel's shoes this week. When I write, I like to make it personal- mixing in parts of your life, things you've experienced, makes the words more real. This week, April Break, I've been writing about Dan's sixteen-year-old daughter, who has anorexia. On the brink of death, her pain calls Daniel back into the role of father that he had foolishly and selfishly left.

Anorexia is something I've struggled with since I was fifteen. At my lowest weight, my hair fell out, my nails broke, I was always cold, and would often black out from malnourishment. To save energy, my body went on autopilot. I couldnt enjoy my life, my family, my friends. I was dead. Now, things are better, but I'm still haunted by the allure of anorexia, which you have to deal with to understand. I think writing about Gemma's intense struggle for life will be therapuetic
and inspiring. My goal for my writing is to help people, and if just one person can read my manuscript and think, wow, this is something, then I'll be satisfied.

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I'll try to do better, Kelsey!