People kill other people in horrific, brutal ways, and that's just a fact of life we have to live with. It goes all the way back to the beginning, to Cain and Able. One man, jealous, smashes his brothers skull in with a rock. What kind of world is this? We fight the government, put up a fuss about health care, insurance, gas prices, life in general. WAKE UP AMERICA, there are other threats we need to open our eyes to. RAPE MURDER INCEST KIDNAP TORTURE SLAVERY DIVORCE these things are killing our country, too. Who cares about finances when our streets are bathed in blood, when we can't walk down the street without being scared when a car slows down?
Let's no forget WAR in all of this. It deserves a paragraph of its own. I'm not going to complain about the wars we're in, because THAT is not going to get us out of them. What I am going to complain about is deeper than some political decision, some disliked president, some ignorance. What about the victims? When did they become "civilian casualties"? Where are the mothers and fathers and children, the wives and husbands and friends? They become statistics, numbers, things to be seen and forgotten.
That is the real threat. People kill people, and we look the other way. Think about that.
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