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With two tests down and only one follower (thanks mom!) I find myself so exhausted that a sense of overwhelming (and probably unhealthy) peace has taken the place of anxiety. The problem with this new development becomes- the semester isn't over yet, and things are only going to get harder from here. I'm ready to sleep, to not feel nauseous all the time, for this headache to finally go away- to be able to write. On a lighter note, I had a great, encouraging meeting with my professor today and she was very helpful in helping me plan out the next step in Bellamy's long journey to the truth. I missed my deadline, but I did enough research so that she understood I was doing the work- just not in a form that I could pass in. There's a road map in my mind and it's leading me deep into the abyss of Daniel's life- but I can't go there yet. As soon as I do, all of my other priorities (classes) will go straight to the back burner. I can't afford to do that just yet.
A lot of the time, I don't know whether I'm coming or going. With my head either in homework or in the sky, it's become hard to find a storyline and nail it down, make it concrete, keep it in my head. For a about six months after I finished the very rough draft of my fourth manuscript never to be published, it seemed very plausible to be that I would never overcome my writer's block. It seemed as deep and real as an ocean, which is why I chose to name this blog "Abyssopelagic". My phobias are encompassed in the ocean and the endlessness it represents. I wont even touch it without someone beside me to make sure I dont fall in. That's how I felt about the barricade in my mind. I just couldn't go it alone. Thanks to a persistent professor and a lot of dedicated peer reviewers, I managed to find Daniel Bellamy, a character who has become more real to me than touch or smell or taste. I think it's only fair to myself, Daniel, and the people who have encouraged us both into being, that there be some sort of link, a documentation to keep everyone as interested in Dan as I am. Please read this, and embark on this fantastically wild journey with me to the depths of the ocean. I can't go it alone.